New Year - New Word!! I have found that I so look forward to choosing my word, that I start thinking about it in November! Last year Faith was my word for the whole year. Just WOW! Spending time in the Word, digging deep into what Faith really means and is and how strong and life changing it is! I am excited and can't wait to dive into my word this year! The two words that have been on my heart since November are Grace and Abide. Grace....gosh how I have been given so much Grace time and time again. God is always ready with a heaping dose for this broken sinner. After dwelling and praying, I felt that Abide would be my focus this year.....for this season of my life. I will learn everything I can about what this really means, and to truly do this with my life, to Abide in Him each and every day!
I always start with the definition, so here it is......
Verb (used without object), abode or abided, abiding.
1. to remain; continue; stay: Abide with me.
2. to have one's abode; dwell; reside: to abide in
3. to continue in a particular condition, attitude, relationship
WHEW! Good stuff already!!
I will surround myself with this word, I will post it in front of my face, errywhere! In my car, Pearl, a sticky note on my computer monitor at work, the mirror in the bathroom, our kitchen cabinets, on doors, my screen savers and back grounds on my computers and phone, and as a reminder on my calendar, daily.
I looked up in a Bible concordance how many times Abide is referenced in the Bible. It is amazing how many times it is used in certain versions and then in the NIV, it is not used at all. That's odd to me. It is amazing how many versions of the Bible there is!! **Mind blown**
Then, I will get a new pretty notebook to devote to writing out each verse and add anything else awesome I might find that goes along with Abide. A picture, something cool someone else says, anything. I will also drill into the words used in the definition above and write those in my notebook.
Having a word and digging into The Word, has been a wonderful journey, growing me and my faith, strengthening me in many ways. If you have not done this before, I encourage you to jump right in! Pray and pick a word....something that speaks to you in this season of your life. It is something that you can spend a few minutes a day on, it doesn't have to be hours and hours of study, unless of course you want to and that's so awesome!!
If you do jump into this journey, please post a comment and let me know your word, I would love to hear from you!
Love y'all!!