As I write this, fighting back tears (so I can see what I am typing), my Daddy is being released from the hospital. He went in for a cardiac catheterization yesterday (1/12). There was some blockage and they put 2 stents in….these are, in addition to the other 2 he has from his heart attack 7 years ago. All went perfectly and they kept him overnight. Here he is, feeling "loopy"
My tears and emotions…… First - for God’s amazing plan for my Daddy - for keeping him safe - for healing him - for providing signs so that Mommy would MAKE him go to the doctor. For fantastic doctors and nurses that have taken such awesome care of him. God has a big plan and some serious work for this man to do, now he can get busy doing it! Second - It is VERY hard to be away from home when something like this happens….man is it hard! I have been in North Carolina for nearly 28 years, and it never gets easier - never! I have a very close family, sort of like the mafia…."you mess with me, you mess with my whole family!!" Yea…..close and crazy we are! I am thankful that our family is close, crazy and large and will surround any person or problem and see that all needs are met and everyone is loved on. I am the oldest of 3 - a fixer - a doer - a helper - when anything happens to or around my people, I want to wrap my arms around everyone and make everything better - cook - clean - laundry - drive them - whatever I can to help them. To relieve their burden. Isn’t is awesome that God can use YOU to show HIS love to someone else?! These are all things I can’t do for my KY people from here. This is extremely hard for me to deal with! And then…..Papa calms me. He is good that way. He tells me that I am doing the best and most wonderful thing that I can do for them…. Pray. Pray for them…..take them to our Father. Who else’s arms are they that safe in? Who else has a better plan for them? Who else loves them more than He does? If you do live close to your people….love them, take care of them and be there for them! The Greatest Commandment - Mark 12: 28 - 30 28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” 29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” The words in red are words Jesus spoke…..I don’t know about you, but that holds tons of weight with me! TONS! Jesus tells you right here - the 2 greatest commands…. 1 - Love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength 2 - Love your neighbor as yourself Love on your people! Even if they are miles away. Even if they are crazy. Even if your relationship isn’t the best. Love on them - Let Papa use YOU to show others HIS love!!