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Writer's pictureThe Redhead

The Promises of God ~ Isaiah 40:31

The NLT version above is my favorite but take a look at what other versions say.....

ESV - they who wait on the LORD.

NIV - those who hope in the LORD.

AMP - those who wait, expect, look for, hope in the LORD.

Isaiah 40 is titled "Comfort and strength for God's people." Verses 29-31 is specifically titled "Receiving the strength of the LORD."

Are you exhausted because of the hardness of life?

Couldn't we all use God's strength to rise above the hardness of life?

How do we receive this strength from the LORD?

We receive it as we seek Him, rely on Him, wait, hope in, expect, look for the LORD.

This isn't a passive sit around in the same miserable state we are in, rocking in the rocking chair, whoa is me. NO - it is active!!

How do we wait well? - - I think it can be wrapped up in one word - Consistency.

  • Constantly seek God's face and God's will for our lives.

  • Constantly pray - talk with God, tell him how you feel, what you are afraid of. He is never ever too tired or busy to listen to His kids.

  • Constantly study - get in God's Word and get out of your own head.

    • How can you know God's plans for your life or about His faithfulness through the ages if you are not reading the love letter He has given to the whole world?

  • Constantly praise and worship - worship changes everything! Psalms 22 tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. That makes me smile!

When you wait well, God gives you His peace and His strength. We should wait with great expectation - knowing and trusting that God's ways are higher than our ways and that His plans for us are best - that if His answer is no, then that is best for us!

**The purpose of the strength God gives us is to move forward and progress for Him!**

I love the definition of renew - give fresh life or strength to; revive. Motyer says "Keep putting on fresh strength." Couldn't we all use fresh supplies of spiritual strength, like all the time?

They will soar high on wings like eagles. - I thought this was very cool - the Benson commentary says: "of all fowls, eagles fly most strongly and swiftly, and rise highest in their flight, and out of reach of all danger".

Also I always think of this scene from Remember the Titans when I read this verse! Every single time!

God WILL give us the strength to soar above everything else! Then we can run the race and walk the walk without growing weary and feeling faint.

Call upon the LORD - He is our source!!

Are you waiting well?

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