Where are you running?
Why are you running?
What are you trying to accomplish on your own?
I tried living by my own selfish, misguided, screwed up agenda for many many years. Gosh, what a train wreck. It wasn't that I didn't believe in God....I have been a believer since I was a wee one. I have always believed, as long as I can remember, that Jesus is the son of God and He died on the cross for my sins.
That didn't keep me from exercising my free will to be an idiot.
Though I believed, I was still, by nature as we all are, selfish. I wanted to do what I wanted to do, go where I wanted to go, be who I wanted to be. I wasted so much time on myself! I don't know if you could call it running from God, since I still believed, though I was foolish. But, I did go way far in the other direction, from the plans that God had for me.
I was a miserable person - I was mean, grouchy, hateful, mean-mouthed, impatient, sad, depressed, fearful, self-conscious, never satisfied, negative, complained too much, tired, medicated, overwhelmed, riddled with anxiety, lonely, exhausted, spent.....Lost.
Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. - James 4:8
Dear sister - family members, friends, church family, co-workers, my kids friends parents, friends from high school, strangers - if you are reading this I AM DIRECTING IT TO YOU!! You, yes Y O U!! If you think this is directed to someone else, it's not, it's you!
Do you feel any of the things I felt? Are you that person?
I know what the answer is to all your issues. Jesus is the answer!
Not till I hit the absolute bottom, the end of myself did I hand it all over to God. I am so much better off in His hands, in His will, than I am in my own. He is mighty to save, and save me He did. He changed me, everything about me! Everything that I was, I am no longer (except for tired, this getting old stuff is hard work).
For the Mighty One has done great things for me - Holy is His Name. - Luke 1:49
Do you desire a peace that surpasses all understanding? To live in peace and not constant turmoil and anxiety? - Stop running.
"Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." - John 7:38
God does for me daily what I could never do for myself.
It is a choice, sister - to live your life for Him.
To be Kingdom minded.
To focus on the eternal and not the things of this world. After all, this world is not my home, I am just passing through.
If you would just give up your prideful ways.....because isn't that really the root of all issues, pride? Lay it all down and give your life to the One who can save you! Do it now before it is too late!
I ache for everyone to be with Jesus when your days are up here on this earth. Not one person is promised tomorrow and lets face it, the end is near, Jesus could return to gather His people at any moment.
Are you ready?